Edition v3.5
Edition v3.5
2nd of December 2024
Pest Cleaner
Fully automatic, and realistic, pest cleaning, including auto-spraying and many other aspects of pests in the garden.
After cleaning up the pests, the script can use the sprayonator or consume a repellent.
Fractional Navigation
The pathfinding algorithm can also traverse through some special blocks such as cocoa or trapdoors.
Staircase (SDS) Mushroom
A much improved farm design now has a dedicated script, which is a better replacement for standard S-Shape.
Activate Instantly
Intermediary scripts, such as Pest and Visitors, can now be started mid-farming, instead of at rewarp, and return to the location it left.
Vacuum Bag
After cleaning up the pests, the script can also empty the vacuum bag with Phillip for extra FF.
Seemless Pest ↔ Visitor
Seemlessly go from Pest to Visitor if applicable.
Farm Builders
Compact Pumpkin & Melon
For use with the Pumpkin/Melon S-Shape script, for high BPS profit.
Vertical Wart & Crops
All 3 crops, and wart, in one build.
Classical Mushroom
The classic and simple Mushroom S-Shape design.
Staircase Mushroom
For use with the new Mushroom script, for maximum XP.
S-Shape Wart/Crop
For a quick and easy job, great for temporary farm.
Sven (Ruins & Cave)
We now have dedicated scripts for Wolf or Sven slayers, including in both locations.
Upgraded Pathfinding
The pathfinder from v3.0 has been analysed and polished to be much more realistic and performant.
Auto-Heal from Ghost script has now been added to the slayer scripts.
Daedalus Swap
For magic find, slayer scripts can now use daedleus for the killing blow.
Tara (Cave & Crimson)
We also have new scripts for Tara slaying, including at the Crimson Isle which provides higher rates.
Etherwarp Shortcuts
Combat scripts in these complicated locations can now use etherwarping to take shortcuts.
Rev T5 Optimization
Fighting T5 Rev's is now much more optimised, using proper tactics to avoid traps.
Worm Fishing (Solo)
A proper worm fishing script has been created with higher compatibility and more features than the one in 3.0.
Hyperion Killing
The main issue with lava fishing in 3.0, was the lack of Hyperion usage. This has now been added.
Auto-Heal from Ghost script is now available for Fishing.
Totem Placing
The script can now automatically place Totems of Corruption for various usages.
Double Casting
A fix for slow fishing issues in earlier versions, particularly for Worm fishing.
Auto Buy Rain
If you are in the Park, the script can automatically refill with rain for more kills/hour.
Blaze Grappleshot
Taunahi can now use a grapplehook to pull back Blazes that fly out of range.
Worm Fishing (Party)
Taunahi can now coordinate with other Taunahi users to worm fish in a party.
Pool Warping
Just like a real player, use your AOTV to warp out of a pool after killing a target.
Trophy Fishing
Taunahi can now properly fish up Golden Fishes, as well as having the option for special fish such as Slugs.
Power Orb Placing
Automatic power orb placing, to buff stats and regenerate mana faster.
Auto Buy Bait
Automatically buy bait from the Bazaar once you've ran out.
Better Trash Removal
For trash that cannot be sold, Taunahi can automatically throw them off cliffs.
Lava Avoidance
The script can purposefully avoid entering any lava to fight a mob, for when you don't have Magma Lord armour.
Side-to-Side Island Foraging
A new, more optimized, foraging design can be used in the Island.
Dashboard Remote Control
Instead of having to use Discord, you can now send commands to your client via the dashboard.
The documentation now has numerous guides, plus other help for common questions or issues.
Scripting Sessions
A feature initially planned for 3.0 is now finally ready to be released, which shows off data from your scripting sessions.
More Languages
More auto-translated languages have been added to the Taunahi menu.
Hundreds of other smaller changes have been made to the client, which you will subtly notice from time to time.